October 3 (Saturday) – Hong Kong

We hit the Star Ferry for a five+ minute ride across the harbor to Hong Kong Island and then caught the double decked bus for the drive around town.
Hong Kong, China, 2009 (3418)

We eventually got off near the long section of escalators billed as the world’s longest people mover. We interpreted that as the longest escalator but in fact it’s a long series of separate, covered, outdoor escalators that run up the side of a major hill. The escalators only go up so one must walk down. They go through residential neighborhoods so it really is a commuter system. After walking down we stopped in one of the major shopping malls near the ferries for lunch and then took the ferry back to Kowloon. I took a short nap – not nearly as long as the last two days. Then we did some packing. We took a walk down Nathan Street, a major thoroughfare right outside our hotel to the Kowloon Park. It was rather pretty with a couple of fountains and lots of people resting and strolling in the evening.

Hong Kong Album

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