October 1 (Thursday) – Hong Kong

View from Victoria Peak, Hong Kong, China, 2009 (7387)We were picked up by our tour guide, Linda, in a motor coach that must have seated 20. We were the only ones on it (another advantage of being your own tour group). First stop was a drive up to Victoria Peak. Hong Kong has a lovely skyline with lots of sky scrapers and the harbor views.

Aberdeen Fishing Village, Hong Kong, China, 2009 (3354c)

Then we went to the area that was the original Hong Kong fishing village (Aberdeen) and took a sampan ride around part of the harbor. It was sort of fun and also interesting. There were all types of boats including houseboats, small freighters, junks and sampans.


We then went to another temple where some dragon dancers were practicing out front. There were also quite a number of women dressed in old Chinese concubine costumes.

We walked through Stanley Market (overrated, mostly tourist stuff) with shops containing all types of goods…likely all counterfeit. We prefer the street markets where the locals shop. At least the shopkeepers there weren’t quite as pushy about trying to get you to buy their goods…not like in mainland China.

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